Reference or textbook

Preparing Teachers to Teach English as an International Language
Edited by Aya Matsuda

The Contextual Analysis of Human Remains

Forensic Anthropology
Contemporary Theory and Practice

Mathematical Approaches for Emerging and Reemerging Infectious Diseases
An Introduction
Edited by Sally Blower, Pauline van den Driessche, Denise Kirschner, Carlos Castillo-Chavez and Abdul-Aziz Yakubu

Mathematical Models for Communicable Diseases

Mathematical and Statistical Estimation Approaches in Epidemiology
Edited by Luis Bettencourt, James Hayman, Gerardo Chowell and Carlos Castillo-Chavez

The Renewable Energy Landscape
Preserving Scenic Values in our Sustainable Future
Edited by Robert Sullivan, Richard Smardon, Martin Pasqualetti, James Palmer and Dean Apostol

The Routledge Research Companion to Energy Geographies
Edited by Vanesa Castán Broto, Stefan Bouzarovski and Martin J Pasqualetti

Wind Power in View
Energy Landscapes in a Crowded World

The Millennial City
Trends, Implications, and Prospects for Urban Planning and Policy
Edited by Tara Vinodrai, Markus Moos and Deirdre Pfeiffer