The Renewable Energy Landscape
Preserving Scenic Values in our Sustainable Future
Edited by Robert Sullivan, Richard Smardon, Martin Pasqualetti, James Palmer and Dean Apostol
"The Renewable Energy Landscape" is a definitive guide to understanding, assessing, avoiding, and minimizing scenic impacts as we transition to a more renewable energy future. It focuses attention, for the first time, on the unique challenges solar, wind, and geothermal energy will create for landscape protection, planning, design, and management.
Topics addressed include:
• Policies aimed at managing scenic impacts from renewable energy development and their social acceptance within North America, Europe and Australia.
• Visual characteristics of energy facilities, including the design and planning techniques for avoiding or mitigating impacts or improving visual fit.
• Methods of assessing visual impacts or energy projects and the best practices for creating and using visual simulations.
• Policy recommendations for political and regulatory bodies.
A comprehensive and practical book, "The Renewable Energy Landscape" is an essential resource for those engaged in planning, designing, or regulating the impacts of these new, critical energy sources, as well as a resource for communities that may be facing the prospect of development in their local landscape.
Martin Pasqualetti is a professor in the School of Geographical Sciences and Urban Planning at ASU, and co-director of the Energy Policy Information Council. His general research interests are energy and society, energy and land use, and renewable energy development. Current research concentrates on acceptance of renewable energy landscapes and recycling energy landscapes.
Praise for this book
Long overdue, this guide on how to place renewable energy in the landscape to maximize public acceptance is critical to the energy transition that is so desperately needed.
Paul Gipe Advocate of aesthetic design for wind and solar power plants, author of ‘Wind Energy for the Rest of Us: A Comprehensive Guide to Wind Power and How to Use It’
"Instrumental reading for those that want an energy future that is not only sustainable and affordable, but inclusive and just. If we are to achieve public support for a sustainable energy future, we must minimize natural public resistance to change. This book shows how to do it."
Benjamin K. Sovacool Professor of Energy Policy, University of Sussex, UK and Editor in Chief for the Journal of Energy Research & Social Science