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Cover of Syntax by Elly van Gelderen


An Introduction to Minimalism

Elly van Gelderen

McGraw-Hill Guide cover, with gecko atop tablet, keyboard, pen and paper

The McGraw-Hill Guide

Writing for College, Writing for Life

Gregory R. Glau, Duane Roen and Barry M. Maid

How Humans Evolved, Eighth Edition

How Humans Evolved

Eighth Edition

Robert Boyd and Joan B. Silk

Early Hominin Paleoecology

Early Hominin Paleoecology

Edited by Peter Ungar, Matt Sponheimer, Kaye E. Reed and Julia A. Lee-Thorp

Primate Communities

Primate Communities

Edited by Kaye E. Reed, John G. Fleagle and Charles Janson

Cover of "Global Birding" featuring a photo of flamingos and baby flamingos

Global Birding

Traveling the World in Search of Birds

Les Beletsky and David Pearson

Cover of "Mapping Species Distributions" featuring a photo of a pink flower

Mapping Species Distribution

Spatial Inference and Prediction

Janet Franklin

Cover of "The Genetics and Development of Scoliosis" featuring an x-ray image of a spine

The Genetics and Development of Scoliosis

Sally L. Dunwoodie and Kenro Kusumi

Cover of "The Leafcutter Ants" featuring a close-up of ants cutting through a leaf

The Leafcutter Ants

Civilization by Instinct

Edward O. Wilson and Bert Hölldobler

Cover of "Ecuador and Galapagos Islands" featuring an image of a blue-footed booby

Ecuador and Galapagos Islands

Les Beletsky and David L. Pearson