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The McGraw-Hill Guide

Writing for College, Writing for Life

Successful writers adapt to the circumstances they are writing for — their audience, purpose, and the conventions of the genre they are composing. "The McGraw-Hill Guide," now in its fourth edition, helps students adapt to any writing situation using a goal-centered approach.

The authors, who formerly served as managing editors of WPA: The Journal of the Council of Writing Program Administrators, grounded the text in the Writing Program Administrators' Outcomes Statement, to help students, instructors and programs set, achieve and assess their writing/learning goals.

With an easily customizable table of contents and comprehensive online edition, "The McGraw-Hill Guide" adapts to the changing needs of today’s writing programs.


Duane Roen is dean and professor of English in ASU’s College of Integrative Sciences and Arts. He also serves as dean of University College and vice provost for ASU’s Polytechnic campus. Roen joined ASU in 1995 as director of ASU Writing Programs. Since childhood, he has been interested in how people learn to write.

Gregory R. Glau, who directed ASU Writing Programs from 2000 to 2008, recently retired as associate professor and director of English Composition at Northern Arizona University.

Barry M. Maid is professor of technical communication in ASU’s College of Integrative Sciences and Arts. Maid served as program head of Technical Communication at ASU’s Polytechnic campus from 2000 to 2010.

Praise for this book

The McGraw Hill Guide connects the act of writing to our communities and social situations through critical thinking, reflection and provocative readings. It is a strong text for the teacher who looks for various levels of support in the classroom while staying true to the goals and outcomes of the composition field.

Anthony Edgington University of Toledo

I like that the authors acknowledge throughout that writers usually have multiple, overlapping purposes for writing, though one purpose may dominate. I also like the broad definition of 'research' that appears to be at work throughout. Writing is treated as the complex activity it is — not as a matter of following a formula. This is a writer's rhetoric.

Cindy Moore Eastern Kentucky University
McGraw-Hill Guide cover, with gecko atop tablet, keyboard, pen and paper
Date published
McGraw-Hill Education

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