Map and Geospatial Hub news

In the top left corner is a black and white grid-style map of the city St. Petersburg. To the right and below the small map of St. Petersburg is a colored map showing the countries and their affiliations during the seat of war. Geographic locations represented in the image are separated by the Baltic Sea with a small portion of Sweden (blue) and the countries of Prussia (red), Belgium (blue), France (green), Austria (green), and the Russian Empire (yellow).

Map of the Month – January 2021

The Map and Geospatial Hub is excited to announce the beginning of our new Map of the Month series where we will highlight a unique map in our collection at the end of each month. Our first featured Map of the Month is a historic map of the Crimean War titled Seat of War, published in 1854 by G.S. W...

3D image of buildings displayed in a range of colors.

Hub "Projects" Web Page Revamp – Spring 2021

The ASU Library Map and Geospatial Hub is proud to share its newly revamped "Projects" web page: While not fully comprehensive, new content on the Projects page provides a clearer representation of the activities undertaken by Map and Geospatial Hub staff (includin...

ASU GeoData

Soft-Launch: ASU GeoData

The ASU Library Map and Geospatial Hub is happy to announce a soft-launch of the new ASU GeoData platform. The goal of ASU GeoData is to provide a data discovery and exploration platform for multiple forms of geographically-referenced data. ASU GeoData shares, primaril...

Esri logo

Simplifying ArcGIS Desktop Licensing — Spring 2021

The ASU Library Map and Geospatial Hub is simplifying the way it licenses ArcGIS Desktop software for students, faculty, and staff. In accordance with Esri’s recent announcement explaining the retirement of the ArcGIS Desktop Student Trial License, and deprecation of EVA codes, the Map and Geospati...

Innovation Week and Innovation Quarter

Innovation Week: Geographical Storytelling with Multimedia StoryMaps

In collaboration with ASU Learning Enterprise, the ASU Library Map and Geospatial Hub invites you to a whole new free and open-to-the-public workshop experience:   Geographical Storytelling with Multimedia StoryMaps Tuesday, December 8, 2020 1:30-3:30pm (MST) [live, and available afterwards, via A...

Map of Camelback Mountain featuring hillshade, contour lines, and other geographic features.

New Workshop: GIS-based Cartography 101 (with ArcGIS Pro)

Join the ASU Library Map and Geospatial Hub for a hands-on, 2-hour introductory workshop on cartography with GIS. Tuesday, December 1 4:00pm-6:00pm Map and Geospatial Hub [Online via Zoom] Event Registration The focus will be on cartographic fundamentals and the role...

Two works of art from the Creative Cartography exhibit juxtaposed.

2020 Creative Cartography Art Exhibit

Order and Chaos 2020 Artworks by ASU student Natalie Mikszta Using maps as a departure point, students in the Art on Paper course, Herberger Institute, School of Art, in collaboration with the ASU Library, are excited to share a virtual exhibition of works on paper as the...

Screenshot of ArcGIS Pro GIS software displaying a 3D oblique scene of Grand Canyon topography with colorful data points dispersed through the region's topography.

ASU GIS Day 2020 Workshop: Linking Desktop & Web Mapping with ArcGIS

Join the ASU Library Map and Geospatial Hub for an intensive, hands-on, 3-hour workshop to celebrate ASU GIS Day 2020. Friday, November 20 2:00pm-5:00pm Map and Geospatial Hub [Online via Zoom] Event Registration We'll be linking data, maps, and apps with ArcGIS Pro ...

Headshot of Eric Friesenhahn

Meet our new Map and GIS Specialist!

The Map and Geospatial Hub is pleased to announce the arrival of Eric Friesnehahn to ASU Library. Eric was selected from a pool of dozens of candidates to serve as the Hub’s new Map and GIS Specialist. His work involves the ongoing maintenance of our extensive map and aerial collection, as well as c...