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Simplifying ArcGIS Desktop Licensing — Spring 2021

Published Dec. 21, 2020
Updated Oct. 18, 2021

The ASU Library Map and Geospatial Hub is simplifying the way it licenses ArcGIS Desktop software for students, faculty, and staff.

In accordance with Esri’s recent announcement explaining the retirement of the ArcGIS Desktop Student Trial License, and deprecation of EVA codes, the Map and Geospatial Hub will, starting Spring 2021, distribute ArcGIS Desktop licenses using a single-use file rather than EVA codes, the latter of which are, according to Esri, “now redundant and obsolete”.

The ASU ArcGIS Desktop installation guide has been updated with the new instructions on how the ASU community can access their single-use license files. 

These changes affect only those users working with ArcGIS Desktop off-campus on a personal computer. The centralized (concurrent use) license manager remains a viable option for users connected to the ASU network on campus or via a VPN.

The Map and Geospatial Hub also encourages all ASU users of Esri desktop GIS software to consider making the switch away from ArcGIS Desktop to ArcGIS Pro.

We welcome Esri’s new licensing changes. They make things easier for all of us.

Happy Mapping!