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New Workshop: GIS-based Cartography 101 (with ArcGIS Pro)

Published Nov. 24, 2020
Updated Oct. 18, 2021

Join the ASU Library Map and Geospatial Hub for a hands-on, 2-hour introductory workshop on cartography with GIS.

Tuesday, December 1


Map and Geospatial Hub [Online via Zoom]

Event Registration

The focus will be on cartographic fundamentals and the role of symbology on geographic data visualization.

We'll learn how to create customized static map images with traditional cartographic elements (e.g., legend, north arrow, inset, graticule, etc.).

Participants should come to the workshop with ArcGIS Pro already installed onto their personal devices.

ASU affiliates can follow the instructions found at the following links to access this desktop GIS software application:

Participation is free and open to the public, but non-ASU attendees must come to the workshop with their own access (full independent licensing) to ArcGIS Pro / ArcGIS Online.

We look forward to seeing you there!