
Mastering Your Self, Mastering Your World: Living by the Serenity Prayer

Handbook of Resilience: Approaches to Stress and Trauma
Edited by Mary C. Davis, Martha Kent and John W. Reich

Radical Distortion: How Emotions Warp What We Hear

Handbook of Adult Resilience: Concepts, Methods and Applications
Edited by John W. Reich, John S. Hall and Alex J. Zautra

The Psychological Foundations of Evidence Law

Emotion in Multilingual Interaction
Edited by Matthew T. Prior and Gabriele Kasper

Disorder in the Court
Morality, Myth, and the Insanity Defense

Perceived Control
Theory, Research, and Practice in the First 50 Years

Training to Deliver Integrated Care
Skills Aimed at the Future of Healthcare
Edited by Rodger Kessler and C. R. Macchi