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Emotion in Multilingual Interaction

This volume brings together for the first time a collection of studies that investigates how multilingual speakers construct emotions in their talk as a joint discursive practice. The contributions draw on the well established, converging traditions of conversation analysis, discursive psychology and membership categorization analysis together with recent work on interactional storytelling, stylization and multimodal analysis. By adopting a discursive approach to emotion in multilingual talk, the volume breaks with the dominant view of emotions as cognitive and intra-psychological phenomena and their study through self-report. Through detailed analyses of original recorded data, the chapters examine how participants produce emotion-implicative actions, identities, stances, and morality through their interactional work in ordinary face-to-face conversation, computer-mediated interaction, institutional talk in medical, educational and broadcast media settings, and in research interviews. The volume addresses itself to students and researchers interested in language and emotion, multilingual speakers and settings, pragmatics and discourse analysis.


Matthew T. Prior is associate professor of English in linguistics at Arizona State University.

Praise for this book

I appreciate this book both as a teacher and a researcher. I learned many things while reading it. I plan to talk about this book to my students, especially in a course on how emotions are discussed in English. I can also recommend it to anyone interested in the linguistic expression of emotion, especially to advanced students and scholars.

Heli Tissari Stockholm University
Cover of Emotion in Multilingual Interaction edited by Matthew Prior and Gabriele Kasper
Date published
John Benjamins

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