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Environment and sustainability

The Edinburgh Companion to Animal Studies, co-edited by Lynn Turner, Undine Sellbach and Ron Broglio

The Edinburgh Companion to Animal Studies

Edited by Undine Sellbach, Ron Broglio and Lynn Turner

Book cover


Object Lessons

Linda T. Elkins-Tanton and Jeffrey Jerome Cohen

Drown River book cover

Drowned River

The Death and Rebirth of Glen Canyon on the Colorado

Mark Klett

Southeast Asia: A Very Short Introduction

James Rush

Cover of "The Global Climate Regime and Transitional Justice" by Sonja Klinsky and Jasmina Brankovic

The Global Climate Regime and Transitional Justice

Sonja Klinsky and Jasmina Brankovic

Cover of The People Shall Continue by Simon Ortiz

The People Shall Continue

40th Anniversary Special Edition

Simon J. Ortiz

Illustrated by Sharol Graves

Cover of "Refounding Environmental Ethics" featuring a leaf shaped like a heart and divided into parts

Refounding Environmental Ethics

Pragmatism, Principle, and Practice

Ben A. Minteer

Cover of "Global Birding" featuring a photo of flamingos and baby flamingos

Global Birding

Traveling the World in Search of Birds

Les Beletsky and David Pearson

Cover of "Mapping Species Distributions" featuring a photo of a pink flower

Mapping Species Distribution

Spatial Inference and Prediction

Janet Franklin

Cover of "Ecuador and Galapagos Islands" featuring an image of a blue-footed booby

Ecuador and Galapagos Islands

Les Beletsky and David L. Pearson