The Edinburgh Companion to Animal Studies
Edited by Undine Sellbach, Ron Broglio and Lynn Turner
This volume critically investigates current topics and disciplines that are affected, enriched or put into dispute by the burgeoning scholarship on animal studies. What new questions and modes of research need come into play if we are to seriously acknowledge our entanglements with other animals? World-leading scholars from a range of disciplines, including literature, philosophy, art, biosemiotics, and geography, set the agenda for animal studies today. Rather than a narrow specialism, the 35 newly commissioned essays in this book show how we think of other animals to be intrinsic to fields as major as ethics, economies as widespread as capitalism and relations as common as friendship. The volume contains original, cutting-edge research and opens up new methods, alignments, directions as well as challenges for the future of animal studies. Uniquely, the chapters each focus on a single topic, from "Abjection" to "Voice" and from "Affection" to "Technology," thus embedding the animal question as central to contemporary concerns across a wide range of disciplines. Part of the Edinburgh Companions to Literature and the Humanities series.
Ron Broglio is associate professor in the Department of English and senior scholar in the Global Institute of Sustainability at Arizona State University.
Praise for this book
From A-Z, this book is full of astute companion writers and scholars entangled in rich webs with the lives and deaths of animals, in story, evolution, politics, science fiction, religion, ethics, queer theory, performance, ordinary living, and more. Here is a book that takes seriously the unanswerable but necessary question that gives the Afterword its title, "Who are these animals I am following?" Follow, read, and emerge in the compost that is always more than human.
Donna Haraway, Distinguished Professor Emerita, University of California Santa Cruz