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A New Website for a New Hub!

Published Jan. 04, 2017
Updated Oct. 18, 2021

Welcome! If you’re reading this, you’ve successfully found the web presence for the Map and Geospatial Hub, a new unit of the ASU Library system started in Fall 2016 (

So, why the new website?

The creation of a new Map and Geospatial Hub marks a consolidation and significant expansion of the operations related to maps and modern mapping technologies at ASU Library. Such a consolidation warranted a more accessible, more user-friendly web presence that more adequately described the expanded, more ambitious vision of the unit.

The new web pages were designed to better assist the ASU and broader community discover our map, data, and technology resources; our educational and training programming; and our opportunities for collaborative projects and research. The site also features this News & Blog stream ( to update the community on what we’re up to.

As with all websites, ours is dynamic and its content subject to change as we continue to collect feedback on its usability and effectiveness. Expect further improvements to our web presence as we continue the work of improving ways to serve and impact the ASU community and beyond. We’re just getting started!

by Matthew Toro