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geospatial technology news

A screenshot of geospatial data.

Workshop: Mapping Your Future with Geo AI with Joseph Kerski

Arizona State University is pleased to be hosting Dr. Joseph J. Kerski, Education Manager for Esri, for the following 90-minute workshop event: Mapping Your Future with Geo AI Thursday, October 17 2...

Esri. The Science of Where

ASU Hosting Esri Global Education Manager on April 4th, 2024

ASU School of Geographical Sciences & Urban Planning will be hosting Dr. Michael Gould for an hour-long talk: On the Evolution of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and Spatial Data Infrastruct...

A map of the world with all countries in grey, except for the United States, Brazil, and Russia- which are green, There are green dots indicating major distribution points with blue lines showing the connection between the them visualizing the shipment of chemical fertilizers.

Barrett Honors Thesis Defense at the Map and Geospatial Hub — Global Supply Chains and the Russia-Ukraine War

The Map and Geospatial Hub is pleased to be hosting an open-to-the-public Barrett Honors thesis defense early next month. See full details below. Student Name Sara Williams Thesis Title Integratio...

Geospatial Research and Career Fest, March 15th

Attention undergraduate and graduate students: the School of Geographical Sciences and Urban Planning (GSUP) in conjunction with the Arizona Geographic Information Council (AGIC) are hosting the 11th ...

A New Website for a New Hub!

Welcome! If you’re reading this, you’ve successfully found the web presence for the Map and Geospatial Hub, a new unit of the ASU Library system started in Fall 2016 ( So, why the ne...