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Faculty support

Library instruction is most valuable when it is related to a research assignment. This allows students to immediately apply what they have learned during the instruction session. Ideally, sessions should be scheduled early in the research process, when students have just started working on their assignment. Students should be informed about the assignment before the instruction session and should have at least a general research topic in mind.

Information literacy sessions will ideally be scheduled two (or more) weeks in advance of the visit date. This is to allow time for preparation of tailored materials (where appropriate) and conversations between faculty and librarians regarding assignments, learning outcomes and needs. However, we understand that things will come up and will make our best effort to accommodate all requests.

After filling out the instruction request form, instruction librarians are automatically notified via email and provided with the details of your request. Once notified, librarians will respond within 24 hours with a confirmation email that will include the scheduled date, time, location and any additional details for the instruction session.

The location of library instruction can be held in your classroom, the library, or virtually, as determined by you.

Depending on your learning outcomes, number of meetings and class length, topics covered may include database searching, generating keywords, developing and refining research topics, evaluating sources, citing sources, and more.

By scheduling a course consultation, our team of librarians can also work with you to develop specialized lessons, content or activities to best suit the goals of your course.

If you submitted an instruction request through the instruction request form but have not received confirmation within 24 hours, email Mary Ann Naumann (Tempe and Polytechnic campuses), Matt Ogborn (Tempe campus) or Allinston Saulsberry (Downtown Phoenix and West Valley campus) directly with your course information and requested instruction date.

High School support

When working with our team to schedule library instruction or an in-person or virtual visit, you may request temporary on- and off-campus access to ASU library resources for your students. One week prior to the session, we will send you the temporary username and password that can be used to access them. The credentials will expire following the session or at the conclusion of the student projects or papers.

Students can visit any ASU campus at any time. However, for visiting groups of students or requests for tours or other specialized services, we recommend that teachers fill out our High School Instruction Request Form.

Unless the student or their parent is an ASU affiliate, physical materials cannot be checked out or removed from the library.  Copies or scans of physical materials can be made while visiting the library, provided they fall within copyright parameters.