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Library instruction


Research shows that library anxiety is strongly linked to academic performance, and ASU has an especially complex library system. With over 8 library locations, 50+ librarians, and more than 700 online databases, students often report feelings of being overwhelmed or lost. These feelings can be exacerbated by overestimation of research skills, information overload, and the reliability of online resources. Collaborating with a librarian for information literacy instruction can help prepare students for their academic careers.

Request library instruction

Information literacy program

The ASU Library information literacy program is designed to aid in the development of course materials and content, promote critical thinking and engagement, and develop research and source evaluation skills in students. As a faculty member, you can collaborate with our librarians so you’ll spend less time teaching research skills and more time teaching content. Instruction can be held in your classroom, the library, or online. Sessions are team taught with you.

Program goals

  1. Teach learners the basics of finding and evaluating sources online.
  2. Acknowledge and embolden learners’ agency.
  3. Help learners understand the moral, economic, and political context of knowledge.
  4. Empower learners to identify and act upon oppressive power structures.
  5. Challenge learners to reevaluate their relationship with information.


The following is a list of program options for you to choose from:

Instructional design

  • Collaborate with librarians on developing assignments, activities and more.
  • Develop online research guides.
  • Create online tutorials and assessments.
  • Create digital credentials.
  • Embed information literacy modules and library tools into Canvas.

Course consultations

  • Faculty can schedule one-on-one or small group meetings with a faculty librarian to discuss assignments, research questions, relevant information resources and more.


  • Identify student learning outcomes.
  • Schedule librarian visits for the classroom
  • Decide on best instructional methods whether it is in-person, online or through multiple sessions.

Digital credentials

  • Badges
  • Tutorials