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Sun Devil Reads

The books in this collection are organized into thematic categories to encourage browsing and discovery.

Biography and People

Read about the lives of notable individuals, from political leaders to entertainers. Discover contributions and perspectives from celebrities, artists, and other influential figures.

Commerce and Business

Learn the secrets to investing, successful business ventures, and trade by examining the careers of business professionals, the role of emerging technologies, and the influence of international trade on our lives.


Family structures can have a profound influence on our lives. These books tell the stories of the relationships we create and navigate by following the accounts of traditional and non-traditional family structures, coming-of-age narratives, and tales of personal growth.

Explore the World

Be inspired by explorers and travelers describing the beauty and wonders of places near and far. Get a glimpse of sights to see and people to encounter from these prose, poetry, and personal accounts.

Fantasy and the Imagination

Books in this section feature mythical or magical creatures operating in fantastical environments, often in other dimensions or eras. These works (beware of the dragons and zombies!) ask readers to temporarily suspend belief. Also included are alternative histories.

Health and Well-Being

Books in this section offer insight into the biological, physical, psychological, and social well-being of the human body. Learn about the effects of various conditions from the perspectives of health care professionals or the patients themselves.

Human Relationships

This section of essays, self-help books, and romance novels offer insight into human nature and interpersonal relationships. Here you can read about dating, marriage, gender roles, or friendship. These relatable accounts may contribute to your own personal development or help you overcome relational struggles or coexisting with others.


These books share the stories and experiences of people who identify with underrepresented or marginalized groups. As these authors share their personal accounts, you are invited to consider how you share your own story and respond to others’ stories.

International History

These books cover the histories of nations around the world. They describe the leadership, warfare, and revolution that has spurred change over time. From the great Roman Empire to World War II, these events shaped the world in which we live.

Lifestyles and the Arts

This section offers a glimpse into the everyday interests of our communities and the art, food, and fashion that define our cultures. Here you can learn about art forms, movements, and styles, and the artists associated with them.

Music and Musicians

Learn about the lyrics and record deals that led to some of the most sensational careers of legendary bands and musicians. Read about the evolution of music through books about instruments, genres, and the transformational power of music in society and cultures.

Mystery and Thrillers

Step into a world of mystery, crime, adventure, and conspiracy. These stories promise suspense and action that will have you reading to know what happens next.


Become immersed in the habitats of plants and wildlife that our planet is hosting. Books in this section tell of the ecosystems around us and explore the relationships between people and the natural world.


Read about the places people inhabit and develop. From cobbled Parisian streets to cafes in Tokyo, learn about the cultures, interactions, and history of both the heavily populated metropolitan areas and more remote landscapes. Explore the stories of those who were profoundly influenced by their explorations and geographic settings.

Politics and the Political

Books in this section discuss the people, social structures, and practices that have a profound impact on governments and laws. These works cover domestic and international political systems and share a variety of political viewpoints.

Popular Culture

Browse books about the TV shows, movies, fandoms, video games, individual celebrities, and comics that permeate our conversations and personal interests. Read about everything from Star Wars to Doctor Who, from Stranger Things to Minecraft.

Science and Discovery

Biology, astronomy, artificial intelligence, and physics are just some of the scientific method branches included in this section. Learn about the history and development of noteworthy discoveries and how they inform the body of knowledge that drives science forward today.


Books in this section discuss many factors that make up and influence our communities, determine cultural expectations, and inspire social movements. These books address topics such as activism, technology, and education, and explore relationships among people and their surrounding communities.

Sports and Athletes

Learn about the history of sports and the rise of popular athletes through biographies, journalistic accounts, and photobooks. Find books about professional and recreational sports such as soccer, gymnastics, cycling, poker, or baseball.

Thought and the Mind

Explore schools of philosophical, cognitive, and religious thought that drive our values, personal faith, or everyday decision-making. These books provide possible frameworks for critical thinking, reasoning, and self-reflection.

United States

The United States is a nation with a rich and complex history, a highly visible political system, and a multicultural presence. Learn about the events, people, and structures that define American culture through these works of nonfiction and fiction.


Writers share their thoughts and experiences about concepts like love, loss, life, and human life. Their explorations are expressed in poetry, short stories, and essays to evoke contemplative, emotional, or creative responses from their readers.

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