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Data Analysis Specialist Tammy Dang shelves books on the 4th floor of the newly renovated Hayden Library in preparation for the re-opening in January 2020.Photo by Kelsey Hinesley/ASU Library.

ASU Library Collections

ASU Library provides access to millions of information resources in support of scholarly research, inquiry, and education of ASU affiliated learners, researchers, and staff. Our collections also support programs that offer pathways to an ASU education, along with K-12 outreach and community partnership initiatives. The Library holds resources in many categories, including: scholarly journals and books, databases, microforms, audiovisual materials, rare books, manuscripts, archives, maps, and government information. Featured specialized collections include: University archives, Arizona and regional materials, and research collections related to communities and peoples who are closely connected to the region, with special focus on Latinx, Chicano/Chicana, and Indigenous peoples. The Library also facilitates access to openly licensed materials, such as those materials licensed to be widely used in accordance with Creative Commons Licensing.

ASU Library employs a personal approach to the design and management of our collections. We engage with our communities in dialogue in order to select and manage information resources that inform, inspire, and engage them. These conversations, supplemented with data analysis and other forms of feedback, are used to develop useful and interesting collections for our communities.