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Sun Devil Shelf Life

Browse selections written or edited by Arizona State University faculty, staff, alumni and students — or search for specific genres or keywords. Happy reading!

Cover of "The Prisoner Pear" featuring a painting of a pear on a shelf

The Prisoner Pear

Stories from the Lake

Elissa Minor Rust

Cover of "Rhetorical Moves" featuring a man holding up his hands

Rhetorical Moves

Reclaiming the Dancer as Rhetor in a Dance Performance

Cynthia Roses-Thema

Cover of "Rules of Hunger" featuring a small image of a chair on a beige background

Rules of Hunger


Lois Roma-Deeley

Cover of "Some Nights No Cars at All" featuring a painting of a man under streetlights

Some Nights No Cars at All

Josh Rathkamp

Cover of "Navigating Conflict" featuring a woman consoling a boy

Navigating Conflict

How Youth Handle Trouble in a High-Poverty School

Michael Musheno and Calvin Morrill

Cover of "The Portable Mark Twain" featuring an illustration of a large-headed Mark Twain riding a frog over a fence

The Portable Mark Twain

Tom Quirk

Cover of "Mark Twain and Human Nature" featuring a portrait of the author

Mark Twain and Human Nature

Tom Quirk

Cover of "Black Women, Identity, and Cultural Theory" featuring a series of three images of a woman that get increasingly blurry

Black Women, Identity, and Cultural Theory

(Un)Becoming the Subject

Kevin Quashie

Cover of "The Soft Blare" featuring an image of a still lake reflecting green hills

The Soft Blare

Nick Norwood

Cover of "The Madwoman of Bethlehem" featuring a woman staring out of a large stone window

The Madwoman of Bethlehem

A Novel

Rosine Nimeh-Mailloux