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Sun Devil Shelf Life

Browse selections written or edited by Arizona State University faculty, staff, alumni and students — or search for specific genres or keywords. Happy reading!

Book cover for "Watch Me Trick Ghosts"

Watch Me Trick Ghosts

Robert Krut

"Women, Education, and Socialization in Modern Lebanon" book cover

Women, Education, and Socialization in Modern Lebanon

19th and 20th Centuries Social History

Mirna Lattouf

Book cover for 'Quality Time'

Quality Time

Productivity Through Time Management

David Van Fleet

Book cover for "Puerto Rican Soldiers and Second-Class Citizenship"

Puerto Rican Soldiers and Second-Class Citizenship

Representations in Media

Manuel Avilés-Santiago

"Fictions of Migration" book cover

Fictions of Migration

Narratives of Displacement in Peru and Bolivia

Lorena Cuya Gavilano

Illustrated by Adrian Portugal Tellier

Book cover for "Globalism and Gendering Cancer"

Globalism and Gendering Cancer

Tracking the Trope of Oncogenic Women from the US to Kenya

Miriam O'Kane Mara

"Love in Print in the Sixteenth Century" book cover

Love in Print in the Sixteenth Century

The Popularization of Romance

Ian Frederick Moulton

"Before Pornography" book cover

Before Pornography

Erotic Writing in Early Modern England

Ian Frederick Moulton

UX on the Go book cover

UX on the Go

A Flexible Guide to User Experience Design

Andrew Mara

Illustrated by Darren Zufelt

Book cover for "Above the Well"

Above The Well

An Antiracist Argument From a Boy of Color

Asao B. Inoue