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Sun Devil Shelf Life

Browse selections written or edited by Arizona State University faculty, staff, alumni and students — or search for specific genres or keywords. Happy reading!

Governing the Dead book cover

Governing the Dead

Martyrs, Memorials, and Necrocitizenship in Modern China

Linh D. Vu

In Defense of Populism book cover

In Defense of Populism

Protest and American Democracy

Donald Critchlow

The Currency of Empire book cover

The Currency of Empire

Money and Power in Seventeenth-Century English America

Jonathan Barth

Ethics after Wittgenstein book cover

Ethics after Wittgenstein

Contemplation and Critique

Edited by Richard Amesbury

Beasts, Humans, and Transhumans in the Middle Ages and the Renaissance book cover

Beasts, Humans, and Transhumans in the Middle Ages and the Renaissance

J. Eugene Clay

The Oxford Handbook of American Political History book cover

The Oxford Handbook of American Political History

Edited by Donald Critchlow

The Jews of Eighteenth-Century Jamaica book cover

The Jews of Eighteenth-Century Jamaica

A Testamentary History of a Diaspora in Transition

Stanley Mirvis

Colonists, Citizens and Constitutions book cover

Colonists, Citizens, Constitutions

Creating the American Republic

James Hrdlicka

From Servants of the Empire to Everyday Heroes book cover

From Servants of the Empire to Everyday Heroes

The British Honours System in the Twentieth Century

Tobias Harper

Colossal Ambitions book cover

Colossal Ambitions

Confederate Planning for a Post-Civil War World

Adrian Brettle