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Victorian Artists' Autograph Replicas

Auras, Aesthetics, Patronage and the Art Market

Author Julie Codell

This book is a wide-ranging exploration of the production of Victorian art autograph replicas, a painting’s subsequent versions created by the same artist who painted the first version. Autograph replicas were considered originals, not copies, and were highly valued by collectors in Britain, America, Japan, Australia, and South Africa. Motivated by complex combinations of aesthetic and commercial interests, replicas generated a global, and especially transatlantic, market between the 1870s and the 1940s, and almost all collected replicas were eventually donated to US public museums, giving replicas authority in matters of public taste and museums’ modern cultural roles. This book will be of interest to scholars in art history, museum studies, and economic history.


Julie Codell is an art history professor and affiliate in film and Asian studies at ASU. She wrote "The Victorian Artist" and edited "Transculturation in British Art;" "Power and Resistance;" "Political Economy of Art;" "Genre, Gender, Race, & World Cinema;" and "Imperial Co-Histories." She also co-edited several other works.

Victorian era styled image of crowd in a art filled room
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