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Julie Codell

Replication in the Long Nineteenth Century book cover

Replication in the Long Nineteenth Century

Re-makings and Reproductions

Edited by Linda Hughes and Julie Codell

Orientalism, Eroticism & Modern Visuality in Global Cultures book cover

Orientalism, Eroticism & Modern Visuality in Global Cultures

Edited by Joan DelPlato and Julie Codell

Genre, Gender, Race, and World Cinema book cover

Genre, Gender, Race, and World Cinema

Edited by Julie Codell

Orientalism Transposed

Orientalism Transposed

The Impact of the Colonies on British Culture

Edited by Julie Codell and Dianne S. Macleod

Power and Resistance book cover

Power and Resistance

The Delhi Coronation Durbars

Edited by Julie Codell

Transculturation in British Art, 1770–1930 book cover

Transculturation in British Art, 1770–1930

Edited by Julie Codell

The Political Economy of Art book cover

The Political Economy of Art

Making the Nation of Culture

Edited by Julie Codell

Victorian era styled image of crowd in a art filled room

Victorian Artists' Autograph Replicas

Auras, Aesthetics, Patronage and the Art Market

Julie Codell

Image of young, white male with facial hair in the Victorian era

The Victorian Artist

Artists' Life Writing in Britain

Julie Codell