Growth Modeling: Structural Equation and Multilevel Modeling Approaches
Growth models are among the core methods for analyzing how and when people change. Discussing both structural equation and multilevel modeling approaches, this book leads readers step by step through applying each model to longitudinal data to answer particular research questions. It demonstrates cutting-edge ways to describe linear and nonlinear change patterns, examine within-person and between-person differences in change, study change in latent variables, identify leading and lagging indicators of change, evaluate co-occurring patterns of change across multiple variables, and more. User-friendly features include real data examples, code (for Mplus or NLMIXED in SAS, and OpenMx or nlme in R), discussion of the output, and interpretation of each model's results.
Kevin J. Grimm, PhD, is a professor in the Department of Psychology at Arizona State University, where he teaches graduate courses on quantitative methods. His research interests include longitudinal methodology, exploratory data analysis, and data integration, especially the integration of longitudinal studies.
Praise for this book
This is by far the most comprehensive, up-to-date, and ready-to-use book on growth modeling that I have ever seen. The authors have proven records in effectively teaching classes and workshops on longitudinal data analysis. This is a 'must have' for anyone who wants to develop or apply growth models. The SAS, Mplus, and OpenMx example scripts and instructions are long-needed complements to those programs' respective manuals. I will definitely recommend it to students in my Structural Equation Modeling class when I teach structural growth curve modeling.
Zhiyong Johnny Zhang, PhD Department of Psychology, University of Notre Dame
The implementation details are superb and the level of technical detail quite stunning. It will be so helpful for longitudinal researchers to have this compendium of growth models, complete with sample code from both SEM and multilevel modeling frameworks. It is wonderful to see the item response theory and SEM frameworks so nicely integrated. The authors have hit the trifecta--pulling together multilevel modeling, SEM, and item response theory. There is truly no other book on the market that covers latent growth modeling so completely and comprehensively.
D. Betsy McCoach, PhD Measurement, Evaluation, and Assessment Program, Neag School of Education, University of Connecticut