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Department of Psychology

Primer on Learning and Conditioning

A Quantitative Approach

Federico Sanabria

Growth Modeling: Structural Equation and Multilevel Modeling Approaches

Growth Modeling: Structural Equation and Multilevel Modeling Approaches

Ryne Estabrook, Nilam Ram and Kevin J. Grimm

Mastering Your Self, Mastering Your World: Living by the Serenity Prayer

Mastering Your Self, Mastering Your World: Living by the Serenity Prayer

John W. Reich

Handbook of Resilience: Approaches to Stress and Trauma

Edited by Mary C. Davis, Martha Kent and John W. Reich

Radical Distortion: How Emotions Warp What We Hear

John W. Reich

Handbook of Adult Resilience: Concepts, Methods and Applications

Edited by John W. Reich, John S. Hall and Alex J. Zautra

The Psychological Foundations of Evidence Law

The Psychological Foundations of Evidence Law

Michael J. Saks and Barbara A. Spellman

Perceived control: Theory, research, and practice in the First 50 Years

Perceived Control

Theory, Research, and Practice in the First 50 Years

John W. Reich and Frank J. Infurna

Secrets of the Short Game

Phil Mickelson

One Magical Sunday

(But Winning Isn't Everything)

Phil Mickelson and Donald T. Phillips