
Pastel color background with black text book name

Teaching with Interactive Shakespeare Editions

Laura Turchi

Illustration of people working around life size laptop, notebook and books

Teaching Literacy Online

Engaging, Analyzing, and Producing in Multiple Media

Rochelle Rodrigo

Science fiction inspired image of an Indigenous woman

Indigenous Voices in Digital Spaces

Cindy Tekobbe

Three separate images of mountains, city and ocean landscapes

Handbook of Statistical Analysis

AI and ML Applications

Edited by Robert A. Nisbet

Two images of teenagers sitting behind laptops

Restorying Young Adult Literature

Expanding Students’ Perspectives with Digital Texts

James Joshua Coleman

Hot pink background with title text in black, white and yellow font

Information Literacy and Social Media

Empowered Student Engagement with the ACRL Framework

Nicole Pfannenstiel

Side facial profile of a black woman with a orange and teal quilted background

Death of the Author

A Novel

Nnedi Okorafor