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Cover of book featuring an astronaut on the surface of the Moon

Moon 3-D

The Lunar Surface Comes to Life

Jim Bell

Book cover


Object Lessons

Linda T. Elkins-Tanton and Jeffrey Jerome Cohen

Cover of book

From Matter to Life

Information and Causality

Sara Imari Walker, Paul C. W. Davies and George F. R. Ellis


Early Differentiation and Consequences for Planets

Edited by Linda T. Elkins-Tanton and Benjamin P. Weiss

Cover of "Volcanism and Global Environmental Change"

Volcanism and Global Environmental Change

Edited by Linda T. Elkins-Tanton, Kirsten E. Fristad and Anja Schmidt

Cover of Emotion in the Tudor Court by Bradley J. Irish

Emotion in the Tudor Court

Literature, History, and Early Modern Feeling

Bradley J. Irish

Reconceptualizing Qualitative Research

Reconceptualizing Qualitative Research

Methodologies without Methodology

Mirka Koro-Ljungberg

Disrupting Data in Qualitative Inquiry

Disrupting Data in Qualitative Inquiry

Entanglements with the Post-Critical and Post-Anthropocentric (Post-Anthropocentric Inquiry)

Edited by Teija Löytönen, Mirka Koro-Ljungberg and Marek Tesar

Arguing from Evidence in Middle School Science

Arguing from Evidence in Middle School Science

24 Activities for Productive Talk and Deeper Learning

Jonathan Osborne, J. Bryan Henderson, Brian M. Donovan, Anna C. MacPherson and Andrew Wild

The Paleobiology of Australopithecus

The Paleobiology of Australopithecus

Edited by Richard E. Leakey, Kaye E. Reed and John G. Fleagle