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Cover of "An Enthusiasm for Orchids" featuring a photo of green and black orchids

An Enthusiasm for Orchids

Sex and Deception in Plant Evolution

John Alcock

Cover of "Travellers' Wildlife Guide: Brazil, Amazon And Pantanal" featuring a photo of a wild cat

Travellers' Wildlife Guide: Brazil, Amazon And Pantanal

Les Beletsky and David L. Pearson

Cover of "Travellers' Wildlife Guide: Peru" featuring images if Peruvian animals

Travellers' Wildlife Guide: Peru

Les Beletsky and David L. Pearson

Cover of "Embryology, Epigenesis, and Evolution"

Embryology, Epigenesis, and Evolution

Taking Development Seriously

Cover of "Molecular Evolution and Phylogenetics" with a phylogenic tree and butterfly as the backgroung

Molecular Evolution and Phylogenetics

Sudhir Kumar and Masatoshi Nei

Building Babies book cover image

Building Babies

Primate Development in Proximate and Ultimate Perspective

Edited by Katie Hinde, Kathryn B.H. Clancy and Julienne N. Rutherford

Animals Make Us Human book cover

Animals Make Us Human

Creating the Best Life for Animals

Temple Grandin and Catherine Johnson

Animals in Translation book cover

Animals in Translation

Using the Mysteries of Autism to Decode Animal Behavior

Temple Grandin and Catherine Johnson

Designing Human Practices Book Cover

Designing Human Practices

An Experiment with Synthetic Biology

Paul Rabinow and Gaymon Bennett

illustration of child in neighborhood looking up at night sky while standing next to a telescope

Just Right

Searching for the Goldilocks Planet

Curtis Manley

Illustrated by Jessica Lanan