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Cross-Language Relations in Composition

"Cross-Language Relations in Composition" brings together the foremost scholars in the fields of composition, second language writing, education, and literacy studies to address the limitations of the tacit English-only policy prevalent in composition pedagogy and research and to suggest changes for the benefit of writing students and instructors throughout the United States. Recognizing the growing linguistic diversity of students and faculty, the ongoing changes in the English language as a result of globalization, and the increasingly blurred categories of native, foreign, and second language English speakers, editors Bruce Horner, Min-Zhan Lu, and Paul Kei Matsuda have compiled a groundbreaking anthology of essays that contest the dominance of English monolingualism in the study and teaching of composition and encourage the pursuit of approaches that embrace multilingualism and cross-language writing as the norm for teaching and research.

The nine chapters comprising part 1 of the collection focus on the origins of the “English only” bias dominating U.S. composition classes and present alternative methods of teaching and research that challenge this monolingualism. In part 2, nine composition teachers and scholars representing a variety of theoretical, institutional, and professional perspectives propose new, compelling, and concrete ways to understand and teach composition to students of a “global,” plural English, a language evolving in a multilingual world.


Paul Kei Matsuda is a professor and director of second-language writing at Arizona State University.

Praise for this book

'Cross-Language Relations in Composition' provides readers with a well-grounded historical, theoretical, and political understanding of the role of language in the teaching of writing to an increasingly diverse student body participating in an increasingly interconnected world ... A potent and inspiring read that breaks with the past.

Juan Guerra, University of Washington at Seattle
Cover of Cross-Language Relations in Composition
Date published
Southern Illinois University

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