Paul Kei Matsuda

Professionalizing Second Language Writing
Edited by Sarah Elizabeth Snyder, Paul Kei Matsuda and Katherine Daily O'Meara

Handbook of Second and Foreign Language Writing
Edited by Rosa M. Manchón and Paul Kei Matsuda

Exploring Composition Studies
Sites, Issues, Perspectives
Edited by Paul Kei Matsuda and Kelly Ritter

Second-Language Writing in the Composition Classroom
A Critical Sourcebook

Practicing Theory in Second Language Writing
Edited by Tony Silva and Paul Kei Matsuda

Cross-Language Relations in Composition
Edited by Paul Kei Matsuda, Min-Zhan Lu and Bruce Horner

The Politics of Second Language Writing
In Search of the Promised Land
Edited by Paul Kei Matsuda, Xiaoye You and Christina Ortmeier-Hooper

Second Language Writing Research
Perspectives on the Process of Knowledge Construction
Edited by Silva Tony and Paul Kei Matsuda

The Lifespan Development of Writing