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Thunderbird School of Global Management

"St. Christopher" book cover, image of a beach


Christopher L. Myers

Book cover for "In Just Ten Days' with speeding subway car

In Just Ten Days

Christopher L. Myers

Book cover with money on it

The Fall of Icarus

Christopher L. Myers

Book cover for The Golden Circle

The Golden Circle

Christopher L. Myers

Images of male standing in front of a while board, hand writing on a chalkboard and children entering into school

Tenure At A Crossroads, Again?

An Examination of the Devolution of Higher Education in the Age of Corporatization

Edited by G.L.A. Harris and Dwight Vick

American flag blowing in the wind

For The Love of Country

Christopher L. Myers

Illustration of plane flying over Beijing

Beijing Bound

A Foreigner Discovers China

Glen Loveland

Illustration of two people running through city scape

Brand Marketing

Christopher L. Myers