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The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences

Cover of How the Classics Made Shakespeare by Jonathan Bate

How the Classics Made Shakespeare

Jonathan Bate

Book cover of Hannah Barkers book, The Most Precious Merchandise, shows a painting of four figures in a row boat carrying cargo.

The Most Precious Merchandise

The Mediterranean Trade in Black Sea Slaves, 1260-1500

Hannah Barker

Book cover of "People's Peace" depicts an ancient painting on the wall of a cave.

People's Peace

Prospects for a Human Future

Edited by Yasmin Saikia and Chad Haines

Cover of Beyond Hashtags by Sarah Florini

Beyond Hashtags

Racial Politics and Black Digital Networks

Sarah Florini

Cover of I Am Faithful by Jenny Irish

I Am Faithful

Jenny Irish

Cover of Preciadas Cartas (1932-1979) co-edited by Elizabeth Horan

Preciadas Cartas (1932-1979)

Correspondencia entre Gabriela Mistral, Victoria Ocampo y Victoria Kenta

Edited by Elizabeth Horan, Cynthia Tompkins and Carmen de Urioste Azcorra

"The Demon in the Machine" book cover

The Demon in the Machine

How Hidden Webs of Information are Solving the Mystery of Life

Paul Davies

Kamikaze book cover


A Novel of the Mongol Invasions of Japan

Jeanne M Blanchet

book cover with desert animals on it

The Astonishing, Astounding, Amazing Sonoran Desert

Harriet Smith and Andrew T. Smith

Illustrated by Roni Alexander

Cover of Planting the Anthropocene by Jennifer Clary-Lemon

Planting the Anthropocene

Rhetorics of Natureculture

Jennifer Clary-Lemon