Arizona Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies

Cover of Shakespeare on the Shades of Racism by Ruben Espinosa

Shakespeare on the Shades of Racism

Ruben Espinosa

Cover of the book "Race and Affect in Early Modern Literature," edited by Carol Mejia LaPerle.

Race and Affect in Early Modern English Literature

Edited by Carol Mejia LaPerle

Where We Belong book cover

Where We Belong

Madeline Sayet

Cross-Disciplinary, Cross-Institutional Collaboration in Teacher Education book cover

Cross-Disciplinary, Cross-Institutional Collaboration in Teacher Education

Cases of Learning and Leading

Edited by Laura Turchi

Abstract color shapes in the background with title in the center

Shakespeare and Cultural Appropriation

Edited by Geoffrey Way

Book cover of "Masculinity and Marian Efficacy in Shakespeare's England"

Masculinity and Marian Efficacy in Shakespeare's England

Ruben Espinosa

Image of Shakespeare play on scroll

Shakespeare and Immigration

Edited by Ruben Espinosa

Image of old manuscript

Rivall Friendship

By Bridget Manningham

Edited by Jean R. Brink

Pastel color background with black text book name

Teaching with Interactive Shakespeare Editions

Laura Turchi

Black background with neon color shapes

Shakespeare / Skin

Contemporary Readings in Skin Studies and Theoretical Discourse

Edited by Ruben Espinosa