Hayden Library news

ASU student protesters marching on Tempe campus for Black Lives Matter rally

Symposium spotlights student activism

February 27-28, 2020 Hayden Library ASU Tempe campus Arizona State University will host a two-day symposium, Archiving from the Intersections and Community-Driven Archives, on the importance of student activism and the need to document historically marginalized voices, par...


Give your research a boost!

Looking to give your research a boost? All ASU faculty are invited to an interactive open house on the third floor of the newly renovated Hayden Library to learn more about and get connected with the ASU Library’s researcher support resources. Researcher Support is part o...

exterior photo of Hayden Library

New doors open to Hayden Library

On Arizona State University’s most populous campus, a welcome gift has arrived for Sun Devils on the first day of the spring semester — a sleek, new, state-of-the-art library. Capping off a $90 million renovation, ASU’s Hayden Library, originally built in 1966, has been re...

picture of hand turning a page in a book

The books are back at Hayden Library

As the renovation of Hayden Library comes to a close this month, an exciting milestone is afoot: the return of the books. Each day, thousands of books make their way back to Hayden Library, in anticipation of the library's re-opening for the first day of the Spring 2020 se...

students protesting for Black Lives Matter on the Tempe campus

Symposium on student activism coming to ASU

February 27-28, 2020 Hayden Library Arizona State University will host the fourth national forum of Project STAND (Student Activism Now Documented) for a two-day symposium on the importance of student activism and the need to document historically marginalized voices. Wit...