Fletcher Library news

People gathering around a table talking with a power point presentation on a screen in the background

Learn about ASU Library career opportunities on April 14

Interested in a librarian position at the ASU Library? Discover career opportunities at an upcoming informational Zoom webinar on April 14, 2023 from noon to 1 p.m. Arizona/MST.  The ASU Library is recruiting five librarians at the assistant and associate level as part of ...

Student talking in the Makerspace

Make an impact for library student workers

The Makerspace at Hayden Library is an inspiring and welcoming space overflowing with creativity. A dedicated team of staff and student workers offer opportunities for ASU students to meet, share and collaborate with people from other fields and disciplines. Travis Daniel has worked in the ASU Libra...

A taxidermied flying squirrel posed with its arms stretched out as if in flight.

Grow your creativity at ASU Open Door

Once a year ASU throws open its doors and invites the community inside for exciting events on each campus. Bring the whole family, make it a class trip, or invite friends of all ages! This year, the ASU Library will be offering a special nature journaling activity at all ASU Open Door events.  ...

Two people sitting in the library looking at a laptop together with shelves of books behind them

Your library goals for spring 2023

Happy New Year, Sun Devils! Welcome to the spring 2023 semester. Did you make New Year’s resolutions for what you want to accomplish this year? Here are five library goals to make the most of your semester. Reach out to Ask a Librarian Get your questions answered via chat...

Maps and three-dimensional objects illustrated with drawings and paintings

'Seek and Find' exhibition opens at Fletcher Library

The exhibition, “Seek and Find” is on display at Fletcher Library on the West campus, from Jan. 9, 2023 until March 4, 2023 during regular library hours. Visitors can plan their visit at lib.asu.edu/fletcher. This is the ninth year that the ASU Library will host the creative cartography exhibition, ...

Portrait of Vina Begay

ASU librarian on a mission to 'reclaim and repatriate' Indigenous knowledge

Starting this fall, students and researchers visiting ASU Library’s Labriola National American Indian Data Center at Fletcher and Hayden libraries (on the West and Tempe campuses, respectively) will have the opportunity to work with an expert in Native American and Indigenous libraries and archives....

Two people reading a book

Welcome and explore the ASU Library

The fall semester is here and the ASU Library is excited to welcome you into our spaces! All of our locations are open for the fall 2022 semester. Be sure to check library hours. Whether this is your first semester on campus or you are getting ready to graduate, here is so...

One person standing and two people sitting around a table with laptops having a conversation

Welcome to fall from Course Resource Services

Attention instructors! The ASU Library is here for you as you plan your fall semester classes. Make things easier for yourself and your students by working with our Course Resource Services team to select, organize and embed your course materials directly into Canvas. The ASU Library Resource Organ...

Two people in the library browsing books on the shelves

What’s happening at the library this summer

Taking a summer session class or looking for a new book to read? The ASU Library is open and here for you.  Find your library With eight libraries across four campuses, discover your campus library. Now that summer session hours are in place, be sure to check library hours before you visit.  ...