By the numbers
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Collections use
physical and digital items borrowed
full-text journal article downloads
database searches
One Search searches
physical item checkouts
items borrowed from other libraries around the world
items lent to libraries around the world
physical items on loan as of today
E-resources use
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Physical items loaned and returned
Transaction type:
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Interlibrary loan borrowing
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Interlibrary loans 1975 to present
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Library visitors
Occupancy per library location
Visitors in past hours
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current visitors at Arts & Design
current visitors at Downtown
current visitors at Fletcher
current visitors at Hayden
current visitors at Music
current visitors at Noble
current visitors at Polytechnic
In-person library visitors by fiscal year
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Website visitors
Library website visitors over fiscal year
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Print and digital holdings
print and digital resources
Open Access resources
journals (online and print)
print volumes
digital repository uploads
Print and digital holdings by resource type
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Print holdings by publication year and subject since 1860
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library locations
campuses spanned
net sq. ft.
study rooms
permanent employees
student workers
dollars spent annually on journals, books and databases
Expenditure trends in collections, inflation adjusted
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Reference, instruction and services
research questions answered
presentations to groups
persons presented to
learning badges issued
items treated by preservation staff
courses with reading lists
enrolled students using reading lists