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Welcome to Aiken's Corner

...and other STEAM stories.

Author Murt Gibson

The Davis kids, Lauren, age 13, and her twin brothers, Dillon and Luke, age 11, have just moved from Phoenix, Arizona, to little Aiken's Corner, North Carolina. Their parents made the move to allow the kids an opportunity to experience life out of the hustle and bustle of America's fifth largest city. An opportunity to be 100% kid, while under the watchful eye of a town that believes in the power of play, and a local sheriff who understands that. As their beloved granddaddy said, where there is no place to hide.

In this first title in the series, Gibson sets the stage for their arrival in little Aiken's Corner. Their status as the new kids on the block is short-lived. From the day they arrive, the locals, kids and adults alike take them into their fold. With nothing in town more than a short walk or bike ride away, they enjoy the freedom of being on their own as long as they are home for supper with no broken bones or excessive loss of blood. The adjoining woods, creeks and trails are their domain.

Each of the 15 episodes in "Welcome to Aiken's Corner" chronicles the Davis kids and their new friends taking on challenges best solved with the principles of STEAM education. Not all challenges are without risk, and they do get that occasional "friendly visit from the local sheriff" that granddaddy had in his youth.


Murt Gibson (pen name) earned a master's degree and a doctorate in electrical engineering at Arizona State University in 1968 and 1974, respectively.

Cover of the book "Welcome to Aiken's Corner ...and other STEAM stories," by Murt Gibson.
Date published

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