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Surviving Sexism in Academia

Strategies for Feminist Leadership

Edited by Kirsti Cole and Holly Hassel

This edited collection contends that if women are to enter into leadership positions at equal levels with their male colleagues, then sexism in all its forms must be acknowledged, attended to, and actively addressed. This interdisciplinary collection ― "Surviving Sexism in Academia: Strategies for Feminist Leadership" ― is part storytelling, part autoethnography, part action plan. The chapters document and analyze everyday sexism in the academy and offer up strategies for survival, ultimately 'lifting the veil" from the good old boys/business-as-usual culture that continues to pervade academia in both visible and less-visible forms, forms that can stifle even the most ambitious women in their careers.


Kristi Cole earned a PhD in English at Arizona State University in 2008.

Cover of Surviving Sexism in Academia
Date published

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