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Social Research Methods: Qualitative and Quantitative Approaches

(Second Edition)

H. Russell Bernard′s text provides a comprehensive guide to doing research in the social and behavioral sciences, from the foundations and research design, to collecting and analyzing data. Rich in examples, "Social Research Methods: Qualitative and Quantitative Approaches" has been revised and updated to provide today′s students with a conceptual understanding of each technique, as well as showing them how to use it.


H. Russell Bernard is a cultural anthropologist specializing in technology and social change, language death, and social network analysis. He is a research professor in the ASU School of Human Evolution and Social Change and the director of ASU’s Institute for Social Science Research.

Praise for this book

There is considerable detail on the history and philosophical foundations of social and behavioural research, ranging from the 'what' to the 'how-to' of social research. To make sure the message of each chapter is clearly communicated, [Bernard] employs a wealth of examples and reading lists. He also provides the reader with a description of key concepts employed in each chapter.

Maryam Nazari and G.E. Gorman Online Information Review
Social Research Methods book cover image
Date published
SAGE Publications, Inc.

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