The Shakespeare User
Critical and Creative Appropriations in a Networked Culture
Edited by Valerie M. Fazel and Louise Geddes
This innovative collection explores uses of Shakespeare in a wide variety of 21st-century contexts, including business manuals, non-literary scholarship, database aggregation, social media, gaming and creative criticism. Essays in this volume demonstrate that users’ critical and creative uses of the dramatist’s works position contemporary issues of race, power, identity and authority in new networks that redefine Shakespeare and reconceptualize the ways in which he is processed in both scholarly and popular culture.
Although "The Shakespeare User" contributes to the burgeoning corpus of critical works on digital and internet Shakespeares, this volume looks beyond the study of Shakespeare artifacts to the system of use and users that constitute the Shakespeare network. This reticular understanding of Shakespeare use expands scholarly forays into non-academic practices, digital discourse communities and creative critical works manifest via YouTube, Twitter, blogs, databases, websites and popular fiction. Part of the Reproducing Shakespeare series.
Editor Valerie M. Fazel is an instructor of English at Arizona State University, where she also earned her BA (2001), MA (2007) and PhD (2013) in English.