Roadside Geology of Arizona, Second Edition
This book is written for the general public and features a visual approach to explaining the scenery along the highways of Arizona. It provides an accessible, photograph- and figure-based exploration of geologic features and processes, as well as how geologists view and study landscapes. The book covers the state in nine geologically based regions, and for each region provides a generalized geologic map to provide a broad context, a summary of the sequence of geologic units in that region, and a road-by-road guide of geologic features observed from the highways. Each region also highlights special topic and places, including those accessed by side roads and hikes. This book is a completely new book, written by ASU authors, although listed as a second edition.
Stephen J Reynolds is ASU President's Professor, Emeritus in the School of Earth and Space Exploration, where he taught for 30+ years. He is one of the foremost experts on the geology of Arizona, having compiled the Geologic Map of Arizona and publishing more than 200 articles, maps and reports, mostly on Arizona geology. He taught introductory courses, as well as upper-level undergraduate and graduate courses in structural geology, tectonics, and regional geology.
Julia K Johnson is Teaching Professor, Emeritus in the School of Earth and Space Exploration, where she taught more than 2,000 students per year in online and in-person courses. At ASU, she received a number of teaching awards and has published research on student learning and Arizona geology, including a widely used geologic map of the Phoenix Mountains.