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Poaching Deer in Northern Arizona

Author Jay Boyer

What happens when a pair of deer poachers, down on their luck, are caught red-handed? Do they really think the game warden is going to give them a break? Do they really think they can talk their way out of this? They do in "Poaching Deer In Northern Arizona." After all, the warden’s a neighbor to one, a childhood friend of the other. And what about the warden? There’s a loaded rifle sitting right there on the table. Can’t he see that these two are desperate, drunk and maybe coming unhinged? Can’t anyone see that someone could die here?

A modern Western, "Poaching Deer In Northern Arizona" premiered at the Jewel Box Theatre in Hollywood in 2002, then went on to England, where it was called by Sebastian Pringle, one of its British reviewers, “...a triumph… A fine and thought-provoking piece.” Perhaps J. Boyer’s darkest comedy to date, and certainly the most suspenseful!


Jay Boyer is a professor emeritus of English at Arizona State University.

Cover of "Poaching Deer in Northern Arizona" featuring a green background with a white image of a shooting target
Date published
One Act Plays

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