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Pieces of Sound: German Experimental Radio

Since the rise of film and television, radio has continued to evolve and any understanding of the development of radio depends on closely examining the artistic ventures that preceded commercial acceptance. Daniel Gilfillan offers a cultural history that explores these aspects of the medium by focusing on German radio broadcasting, providing a context that sees beyond programming to consider regulations, cultural politics, and social standardization.


Daniel Gilfillan is an associate professor of German studies at Arizona State University in the School of International Letters and Cultures, senior sustainability scholar in the Julie Ann Wrigley Global Institute of Sustainability, and faculty affiliate in Film and Media Studies, Jewish Studies, and English.

Praise for this book

Pieces of Sound" brings the history of experimental radio in German-speaking countries to an Anglophone audience. Covering over 80 years of history, Daniel Gilfillan argues for the importance of avant-garde theory and practice as an alternative to mainstream, broadcast-industry definitions of radio. Gilfillan offers us an important resource for thinking about the intersecting histories of radio and sound art, and an opportunity to reflect upon their possible futures.

Jonathan Sterne author of" The Audible Past: Cultural Origins of Sound Reproduction"
Date published
University of Minnesota Press

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