Multiracial Cultural Attunement
In this book, Jackson and Samuels draw from their own research and direct practice with multiracial individuals and families and also a rich interdisciplinary science and theory base, to share their model of multiracial cultural attunement. Core to this model are the four foundational principles of critical multiraciality, multidimensionality and intersectionality, social constructivism, and social justice. Throughout, the authors demonstrate how to collaboratively nurture clients’ emerging identities, identify struggles and opportunities, and deeply engage clients’ strengths and resiliencies.
Readers are challenged to embrace this model as a guide to go beyond the comfort zone of their own racialized experiences to disrupt the stigma and systems of racism and monoracism that can inhibit the well-being of multiracial people and families. With case studies, skill-building resources, tool kits and interactive exercises, this book can help you leverage the strengths and resilience of multiracial people and families and pave the way to your own personal growth and professional responsibility to enact socially just practices.
Kelly Faye Jackson is an associate professor in the School of Social Work at Arizona State University.
Gina Miranda Samuels is an associate professor at the University of Chicago's School of Social Service Administration and faculty affiliate at the Center for the Study of Race, Politics and Culture.
Praise for this book
The multiracial population has become one of the fastest-growing segments in the United States. As with all growing populations, as the numbers increase, we as helping professionals find ourselves encountering more diverse individuals and families in our work. Having the attitudes, knowledge and skills necessary to work with the population becomes vital. This book will provide valuable learning not only for the professional practice of social work, but for other helping and clinical professions as well.
Kelley R. Kenney Professor emeritus, Kutztown (Pa.) University