Mistral, Una Vida
Solo Me Halla Quien Me Ama
"Mistral, a Life: Only Those Who Love Me Find Me" exhaustively and critically reviews the first thirty years of the life of one of the essential poets of the Spanish language.
Elizabeth Horan, a world-renowned specialist in the poet, reconstructs the steps of the Nobel Prize winner based on years of study and the lucid review of the Mistralian archive, where an impressive correspondence allows her to appreciate the poet's wanderings, pains and passions, but above all all her unique character. Mistral in these pages is revealed above all as an iron will, as someone who knew how to move with cunning and firmness in an adverse world to become who he set out to be.
Her childhood in Elqui, her affections and key alliances, her years as a teacher in different cities in Chile, her intimate relationship with Laura Rodig, her early contact with Neruda and other prominent Chilean writers and politicians and her links with Argentina are exposed in detail in this book -first part of a colossal thought project in three volumes - until the moment in which the poet leaves the country for Mexico in 1922. These are the endearing years of formation of an irreducible and always astonishing intellectual figure.
English version of book summary adapted from Google translate.
Elizabeth Horan is a professor in the ASU Department of English’s literature program.