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Lost Sheep

A Murder Mystery

"Lost Sheep" is a mystery novel largely set in Cornwall, Oxford and London during the outbreak of the foot-and-mouth disease among sheep. During this time, American widow Ellen Adams returns to Britain three years after her husband James’' death. Shortly before his death, he confessed that as an academic scholar he was drawn into a ring of thieves of rare books and manuscripts. Besides the thefts, the reader learns that the group is also responsible for several murders. Upset and disillusioned, Ellen returns to compensate for James’' crimes by bringing back to Scotland Yard a manuscript she found among his things. Subsequent adventures involve becoming a double agent for Scotland Yard and stealing both a manuscript and a famous painting. A brief romance with a semi-retired detective inspector ends in a surprising discovery and an unexpected rescue.


Bettie Anne Doebler is a professor emeritus of English in creative writing at Arizona State University.

Cover of "Lost Sheep" featuring a red sheep's head with a Victorian building in the background
Date published
Publish America

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