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The Landscape of Reform

Civic Pragmatism and Environmental Thought in America

A fresh and provocative read examining the intellectual foundations of American environmentalism, focusing on four early pioneers in conservation and planning: Liberty Hyde Bailey, Lewis Mumford, Benton MacKaye and Aldo Leopold. A journey of discovery showing how the pragmatic roots of American environmentalism can play an active role in new, present-day civic-minded environmentalism.


Ben A. Minteer is associate professor of environmental ethics and policy in the School of Life Sciences and is a senior sustainability scholar in the Global Institute of Sustainability at Arizona State University. He is the editor of "Nature in Common?" and the author of "The Landscape of Reform: Civic Pragmatism and Environmental Thought in America."

Praise for this book

Minteer has successfully excavated several thinkers who deserve greater consideration by environmentalists. He has also added his well-informed voice to the growing chorus urging what he calls a 'third way.'

Perspectives on Politics

By elaborating the new kind of regional politics of the land, civic life, and the environment represented by Bailey, Mumford, MacKaye, and Leopold — four key figures in early 20th-century environmentalist thought and advocacy — Ben Minteer provides a map for us to consider the new kind of civic-based environmentalism of the 21st century, with its emphasis on the health of the land and the people who inhabit it.

Robert Gottlieb, author of "Forcing the Spring: The Transformation of the Environmental Movement"
Cover of "The Landscape of Reform" featuring images of buildings, fields, and landscapes on a green background
Date published
The MIT Press
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