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Just for Clicks

Author Kara McDowell

Mommy blogs are great . . . unless the blog happens to belong to your mom.

Twin sisters Claire and Poppy are accidental social media stars thanks to Mom going viral when they were babies. Now, as teens, they're expected to contribute by building their own brand. Attending a New York fashion week and receiving fan mail is a blast. Fending off internet trolls and would-be kidnappers? Not so much. Poppy embraces it. Claire hates it. Will anybody accept her as "just Claire"? And what should Claire do about Mom's old journals? The handwritten entries definitely don't sound like Mom's perfect blog persona. Worse, one of them divulges a secret that leaves Claire wondering what else in her life might be nothing but a sham ...


Kara McDowell earned a Bachelor of Arts in English at Arizona State University in 2011.

Cover of Just for Clicks
Date published
Amberjack Publishing

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