Journey From the Dawn
Life With the World’s First Family
Eons ago, while volcanos smoldered in the Great Rift Valley and now-extinct animals roamed the African savannas, our earliest ancestors bonded together in small groups of families for communal survival. In "Journey from the Dawn," renowned paleoanthropolist Donald Johanson, who discovered the fossilized remains of an ancient hominid, popularly named “Lucy,” has teamed up with Kevin O’Farrell, to re-create, as closely as the facts allow, what life was like for the world’s first family more than three million years ago.
The beautifully illustrated story is accompanied by a scientific text with photographs and illustrations appearing on almost every spread to explain what the world was like so long ago. This is the only anthropologically supported work to reconstruct the daily lives of our earliest ancestors. "Journey from the Dawn" is a book about families that all families will treasure.
Donald C. Johanson is a renowned paleoanthropologist, founding director of the Institute of Human Origins, and Virginia M. Ullman Chair in Human Origins in the School of Human Evolution and Social Change. He discovered the fossil skeleton popularly known as “Lucy” and has written nine books and numerous scientific and popular articles. He lectures in the U.S. and abroad.