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Joan Darc

Scuffing up the surface of history by scuffing up that of language, Nathalie Quintane manages to get at the myth of Joan of Arc from the inside, turning it from myth to immediate life and evoking the paradoxes and nuances that made Joan's life a double one—warrior on the surface and austere virgin underneath. Quintane works this into a metaphor for contemporary feminist self-performance that creates ways of subverting dominant narratives, transforming the image of woman-as-pawn to woman-as-power, with that power rooted in her capacity for self-determination.


Cynthia Hogue (co-translator) is professor emeritus of English at ASU and has published 13 books, most recently "Revenance." With Sylvain Gallais, Hogue co-translated "Fortino Sámano (The overflowing of the poem)," by Virginie Lalucq and philosopher Jean-Luc Nancy.

Sylvain Gallais (co-translator) is a French economist whose most recent works are "France Encounters Globalization," and an essay entitled “Preserving Biodiversity in the European Union.” He is professor of French at ASU.

Joan Darc co-translated by Cynthia Hogue
Date published
Fence Books/La Presse

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