Inland Fishes of the Great Southwest
Chronicle of a Vanishing Biota
Many native fish are unique to the Southwest, and many of these are threatened or endangered. “Inland Fishes” offers a comprehensive guide to the native and non-native fishes of the lower Colorado Basin, downstream from the Grand Canyon, and of the tributaries of the Sea of Cortex in the United States and Mexico. Included is a history of the region and account about more than 165 species, with insights about aquatic habitats, topography, climate, geology, human-made water systems and conservation. More than 120 black-and-white illustrations and 47 full color plates accompany this insightful account about some of the region’s most challenged and colorful native wildlife.
Wendell Lee Minckley was a college professor and leading expert on fish. He spent most of his career at Arizona State University.
Paul C. Marsh is a retired faculty research associate in the School of Life Sciences at Arizona State University and a recognized authority on fishes of the American Southwest.
Praise for this book
This book is extremely valuable, interesting, and thoroughly enjoyable. W. L. Minckley and Paul Marsh have done heroic work here. A treasure chest of information.
Edwin Philip Pister
The best available and most up-to-date information is presented and summarized — all viewed through the keen insight of Minckley and Marsh. Few knew or know this fauna as well, . . . and I see and feel Minckley’s ideas and passion in every paragraph.
Steven Norris